Stryker Amateur Radios
Stryker Amateur Radios
- Microphone Questions
- Tips & Tricks A collection of resources to help you get the best performance from your Stryker.
- Puchasing Questions
- Setup Guides
- Repairs & Warranty
- SR-955HPC & SR-655HPC
- Software & Programming Stryker SR-655HPC, SR-955HPC, SR-447HPC2 & SR-94HPC Software Questions
- SR-447HPC & SR-497HPC Questions regarding the use and setup of the SR-447HPC & SR-497HPC 10 Meter Radio
- SR-447HPC2
- Antennas SR-A10, SR-A10 Magnetic Mount, SR-2K, and the SR-5K
- SR-94HPC
- SR-25MC
- SR-440HP & SR-490HP
- SR-89MC
Promoted articles
- ASQ - What is it and how does it work?
- Common factors that cause high SWR readings
- Interference from LED Headlights on my vehicle
- Will Modification Void My Warranty?
- What's the best radio for trucking?
- Can I Purchase Direct?
- Why is your SWR too high?
- Tuning Your Antenna for the Lowest SWR
- SR-447HPC2 Setup Guide
- Register New Stryker Product
- I forgot to register my radio, do I still have a warranty?
- How to request an RMA for Warranty Repair
- How do I get warranty work done?
- How to use CTCSS with the SR-955HPC
- How do I reset my SR-655HPC or SR-955HPC?
- Is the swr meter on the radio accurate enough to set antennas or should I get a meter?
- Low Speaker Volume or Low Talkback Even With Control Set to Max
- I need help getting the Stryker Software working on my computer
- I bought a Stryker 655hp and it didn't come with a pc cord or software
- When is the SR-955HPC Version (V2) going to be available?
- What Microphones are compatable with your radios?
- How do I put my name on the screen?
- I didn't get a USB cable with my new SR-955HPC
- Where do I find the SR-955HPC V3 programming software?
- Windows 11 Programming Software Driver
- Drivers for Windows 10?
- I programmed my radio and lost channels
- When programming does the radio need to be powered up and turned on or no?
- Programming Software Setup Help Video
- I have a USB that fits, do I really need a special one?
- SR-447HPC2 Error Codes and what they mean
- When I transmit the CH Display shows 00 and 2.1. What is my radio showing?
- Radio Displays E2 Error Code
- How do I turn the SWR Meter on?
- Where can I find the 447 software?
- When I try to transmit, my 447HPC2 displays E4 and won't key.
- Testing the integrity of the SR-A10MM Antenna with a continuity tester or multimeter
- How to reset the SR-94HPC
- SR-94HPC Programming Memory Channels
- Installation instructions for the CTCSS Board
- Stryker SR-94HPC Microphone Wiring
- Where do I get the SR-94HPC USB PC Programming Cable?
- SR-25MC Owners Manual