Trouble Shooting SR-A10MM Antennas
Before returning antennas, please take the time to test and verify that they are defective.
Often the antenna is not the source of the problem but is the first item to receive the doubt and blame. The following simple tests, using either an ohmmeter or continuity tester, can be performed quickly, efficiently, and remove any doubt about the condition of the antenna. NOTE: For the following tests, disconnect the antenna from the radio.
I. The Stryker SR-A10MM:
A. Testing the Antenna Coil:
- Remove antenna coil from the mount.
- Touch one lead ( negative or positive ) of meter or tester to the center pin at the bottom of the antenna coil.
- Touch the other lead of the meter to either the threads on the bottom of the coil or the chrome mast at the top of the antenna.
- In either position, if the meter shows a shorted condition (needle swings to the far right), or reads continuity, the coil is in proper working order.
B. The Antenna Coax Cable:
- With the antenna coil removed, touch one lead of meter or tester to the center pin of the PL-259 connector.
- Touch the other lead to the center hole located on the top of the SO-239 mount.
- If this shows a shorted condition (or reads continuity), the center portion of the coax is in proper working order.
- Touch one lead of the meter to the outer shell of the PL-259 connector.
- Touch other lead of the meter to the threads on SO-239 mount.
- If this shows a shorted condition (or reads continuity), the shield portion of the coax is in proper working order.
- Touch one lead (negative or positive) of meter or tester to the center pin of the PL-259 coax connector.
- Touch the other lead of the meter to either the threads on the SO-239 mount or the outer shell of the PL- 259 connector.
- If this shows no reading (or reads no continuity), the coax is not shorted out and is in proper working order.
C. The Antenna Coax Connector:
- With the antenna coil removed, touch one lead of meter or tester to the center pin of the PL-259 coax connector.
- Touch the other lead of the meter to threads on the SO-239 mount or the outer shell of the coax cable.
- This connection should show no reading or continuity. While these two points are connected through the meter, wiggle the connector and observe the meter or continuity tester.
- If there is no change in indication, the connector portion of the antenna is in proper working order. If the needle swings to the right, the connector is bad and should be replaced.
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